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Coming Soon: Jack of Harts, A Spaghetti and Rice Mystery
(First week in May, 2014)


Michael Eldridge a comment by Donald Bain of Murder She Wrote

I'd like to give you a little background on my involvement with Mike Eldridge and his novels.

I met Mike on the QE2 during one of my annual lectures on murder mystery writing based upon my current 35-book "Murder She Wrote" series. Because I'm also a musician, I spent nights listening to Mike perform in one of the ship's lounges. We became friendly. He told me about the novel he'd written when not playing piano on ships around the world, and I was fascinated with its premise and plot. I invited him to send me the manuscript, which he did. I loved it. It needed a firm and practiced editorial hand, which I offered to provide, and which Mike eagerly accepted. I was sufficiently impressed to give Mike a series of editorial suggestions, and devoted time to line-editing the manuscript. He's refreshingly receptive to editorial suggestions,. More important, he has a fertile imagination, slightly skewed in a Steven King way, and has, in my opinion, a wonderful story-telling talent.

Over the course of having written or ghostwritten more than 100 books, I've been approached countless times by first time novelists. These experiences have almost always been disappointing. But in Mike Eldridge, I really feel that I've discovered a talent deserving of publisher consideration. He is certainly not a one book author. He's followed through on his "blue" series concept with three novels, and his "Spaghetti & Rice" series concept is pure genius. I wish I'd thought of it.

Obviously, I'm excited about his potentials, and am pleased he's following through with his writing. For the record, I have no financial interest in Mike or his books, no agenda of my own.

Donald Bain


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Aleme Publishing holds the copyrights on Michael's books and original compositions.
Skys Unlimited Inc. is the label for Michael's CD's

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